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‏Conferences Company

We received several invitations from businessmen to participate in specialized conferences in the building and construction sector. During our attendance, we had the opportunity to learn about the latest innovative products in this field. We were able to identify a variety of advanced solutions and modern technologies that contribute to improving the quality of construction and enhancing its efficiency. In addition, we communicated with some of the companies producing these products and discussed with them the technical specifications and performance of the offered products, which contributes to improving construction standards in our future projects.

1- the smarter

The Smarter exhibition in Munich, Germany

Date: 2023/6/14

2- Electronic payment

in France

Date: 2023/11/28

3- Light+building

In Germany, Frankfurt

4- UK Construction week

in london

5- An invitation from Philips

We received an invitation from Ibdaa Company, agents of Schneider Company, with the participation of Philips Company, to attend the technical conference at the Babel Hotel. The technical director, Dr. Abbas, attended this conference.